
Local Press & Media Contact

Emilia Strovolidou
Public Information Officer, UNHCR Office in Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 359043
Fax: +357 22 359037
P.O.Box 25577, 1310 Nicosia, Cyprus



What’s in a word? Download our leaflet that explains the difference between a refugee and a migrant: ENG  |  ΕΛΛTUR

Words Matter: Why ‘Undocumented’ or ‘Irregular’? Why not ‘Illegal’ – This document and terminology guide from Picum is additionally useful and pertinent: ENG |  ΕΛΛ

Glossary of asylum- and migration-related terminology: ENG  |  ΕΛΛ


Refugees Media

Our global content team provides videos and photographs free of charge to the media. Researchers and journalists can log-in here to search Refugees Media content.


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What does it take to be a humanitarian worker in some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous locations? Search for Awake At Night wherever you listen to podcasts.


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