6. Family reunification

© UNHCR/Laura Padoan

The legal, rights-based and State-provided avenues that allow refugees to access their right to family life regulated by national, regional and international law. Family reunification procedures include individuals with close and extended family relations based on the concept of dependency which ensures that family members—who may not be close family members but are nevertheless dependants—are able to enjoy the right to family life and family unity.


Family unity is a fundamental human right. Respect for the right to family unity and family life requires States to refrain from actions resulting in family separation and to ensure the reunification of separated families in the least possible delay. When seeking to reunite, refugee families are subjected to migration system requirements, such as requests for passports, documentary evidence of relationships, in-person interviews in foreign States, which do not take into consideration their international protection needs. As a result many refugees remain separated from their family members and may go for years without seeing their loved ones or never be reunited again.


Why UNHCR prioritizes family reunification

It is the most relied upon third-country solution

From 2010 to 2022, over 1.3 million entry permits were granted in OECD countries and Brazil to seven nationalities with high asylum recognition rates for family purposes.

It realizes the right to family unity

As the fundamental unit of society, family is entitled to protection by States.

It improves the well-being of refugees

Prolonged separation can affect mental health and weaken family bonds. Reuniting families supports refugee self-reliance and integration.

It provides a safe and regular solution

Access to family reunification procedures can save lives, and help prevent refugees from embarking on unsafe journeys.

UNHCR’s engagement in family reunification

Family reunification is first and foremost a responsibility of States. UNHCR supports States to meet their obligations under international law and galvanise the principle of family unity.

Five pillars of UNHCR engagement

Gathering evidence

Advocacy for systems change


Policy and knowledge building

Working with and coordinating partner networks

Exceptionally, direct case support

The Global Family Reunification Network (FRUN)

The Global Family Reunification Network (FRUN) is the first global platform devoted to family reunification for refugees and other beneficiaries of international protection. Launched in December 2020, the FRUN draws together key stakeholders, experts and academics in the realm of family reunification with the collective purpose of promoting and facilitating greater access to family reunification procedures. The FRUN provides States and other relevant stakeholders with a common space for advocacy, sharing good practices and exchanging ideas, promoting State-to-State engagement, capacity building and resourcing of relevant operational actors, testing pilot programmes and information sharing. UNHCR is a founding member of the FRUN and served as the Secretariat until the end of 2023.