Pillar IV: Developing policy and building capacity
© UNHCR/Ana Brigida
In the context of its engagement in complementary pathways and with a view to expanding access to opportunities for refugees globally, UNHCR focuses its work on policy and guidance development; capacity building; and communication with communities.
A) Policy and guidance
UNHCR’s supervisory responsibility is set out in paragraph 8(a) of its Statute, and in Article 35 of the 1951 Refugee Convention and Article II of the 1967 Protocol. Monitoring State compliance with refugee-specific international obligations, including respect of family unity, and intervening where the regulatory system does not offer adequate protection of refugees’ rights is a compulsory function of the organization. In line with these, UNHCR is the primary agency to ensure that protection principles are embedded within the design and implementation of complementary pathways. It also ensures that relevant policy positions and guidance are developed, disseminated and well understood by the diverse partners involved in complementary pathways work.
B) Knowledge and skills development
UNHCR Operations that directly deliver protection, solutions and assistance services have regular training and capacity development initiatives targeting UNHCR staff and partners. These should strive to include relevant content on complementary pathways, including on preserving family unity.
Depending on the operational context, these trainings may include:
an introduction to complementary pathways
relevant applicable legal frameworks for family reunification through national procedures
existing support systems (of partners) to help refugees
linkages with livelihoods and education initiatives, development work and other activities
relevant UNHCR, national and partner policy and guidance and necessary advocacy messages, including the role of first countries of asylum
the role of development and migration actors
C) Communication with communities (CwC)
Communicating with refugee and diaspora communities promotes knowledge and agency by ensuring access to accurate information on eligibility criteria and reliable sources of support. Refugees within communities are best placed to be agents of information-sharing. Networks within countries of departure and diaspora should be encouraged and supported.
UNHCR offices may consider:
Harnessing opportunities to communicate with communities to disseminate information, identify potential beneficiaries/support needed, in consultation with RLOs.
Sharing information on procedures and support including via UNHCR’s Opportunities, UNHCR’s Help site, or partner platforms.
Developing specific tools to disseminate information, such as WhatsApp channels, adjusted to refugee needs and with the engagement of refugee and diaspora communities.
Identifying refugees departing/arriving on complementary pathways to produce stories, videos and other communication products.
General resources
Self-paced learning course on complementary pathways
Resources for refugees