Jagat Lama, 40, and his wife Dawa Sangmo, 41, smile as both take a break from building their new house in Baramchi Village in Sindhupalchowk district. Jagat's house was completely destroyed in the April 25 earthquake last year.
One year on, many survivors still live in temporary shelters built with salvaged materials and tarpaulins distributed in the weeks after the quake.
In the months that followed, the affected families faced challenges that included monsoon, shortages of essential supplies due to protest blockades on the Indian border, and surviving harsh winter. ; In April 2015, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake killed nearly 9,000 people and destroyed massive amounts of property, including numerous temples that were on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Working with international and Nepali partner organizations, UNHCR distributed shelter and lighting to affected communities in dire need last year. ; This image, video, audio or multimedia is copyrighted and may only be reproduced with permission from authorised staff at UNHCR. Images, video, audio and multimedia may only be used under licence for editorial use relating to UNHCR-supported issues and only where the content of the media is accurately represented and captioned. Use in a commercial or promotional context is not allowed. A credit is always required in the format '© UNHCR/Photographer' for photo images and '© UNHCR' for video, audio and multimedia unless stated otherwise.
于尼泊尔东北部山上的一条瓦砾遍地的Baramchi村庄,40岁的杰格德喇嘛(Jagat Lama)正在屋顶修理他新建的家,锤击铁板的声音打破了寂静。
一年前大地震于4月25日中午袭击尼泊尔,杰格德和他的妻子,达瓦桑姆(Dawa Sangmo)当时正在距离村庄约一公里的田里种植粟米。他们立即奔跑回家发现家中情况,大家都被吓坏了。
「两层高的房子整幢消失了。大家都十分恐慌,不断叫喊,哭泣和奔跑。我当时几乎望不见前方超过数米外的情况,因为漫天纷飞的尘土覆盖整座山及村庄。」杰格德说。 「不消几秒钟,美丽的村庄好像被炸毁过一样。」
「于数个受地震重击的地区中,难民署是最先回应的机构,因为我们能即时调动于尼泊尔境内的防水帆布及太阳能灯储备,第一时间送往灾区。」难民署驻尼泊尔代表克雷格·桑德斯(Craig Sanders) 说。
「我知道余震会继续,我们一直很害怕」他说。搬进新房子让我觉得安心一点,我真的很期待。 」