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The Power of Now: Nowcasting Refugee Population Figures at UNHCR

The Power of Now: Nowcasting Refugee Population Figures at UNHCR

UNHCR developed a Nowcasting dashboard to provide an estimate of actual forced displacement figures when official figures are unavailable with an accuracy of close to 99% compared to officially published figures at the global level. These nowcasts are incredibly important in the humanitarian sector as they inform UNHCR and its partners of the rapidly changing situation in almost real-time and enable more efficient decision-making such as emergency resource allocation.

2021 for UNHCR’s Microdata Library: What did we achieve?

2021 for UNHCR’s Microdata Library: What did we achieve?

By Andrea Pellandra and Sofia Sacks Ferrari, Global Data Service © UNHCR/Amos Halder: Bangladesh. Rohingya refugees receive health and nutrition support in the health centres in Bhasan Char island. The health, protection, and socio-economic crises caused by COVID-19...

New research: Are refugee numbers the highest ever?

Two recent studies, undertaken independently from each other, address the statistical debate on whether indeed today’s refugee population is the highest on record since World War Two. Each study, one by UNHCR and one by the World Bank, despite different methodologies...