Ibrahima Sarr
UNHCR Economist
Ibrahima Sarr is an Economist in the Research and Analytics Unit of UNHCR’s Division of Resilience and Solutions. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Université Laval (Canada) and master’s degrees in applied mathematics (University Gaston Berger, Senegal) and in statistics and economics (ENSAE, Senegal).
Ibrahima has worked as a consultant for the World Bank and UNHCR, co-leading the design and implementation of data activities and socioeconomic analyses. His work covers topics in development economics, employment, and welfare analysis. He is currently involved in projects across countries in Africa related to a wide range of topics including multidimensional poverty, poverty measurement (cross-survey imputation and child poverty) in forcibly displaced settings, as well as the inclusion of refugees into national surveys and censuses.
You can follow his work on LinkedIn.
Blog posts by Ibrahima
A data-driven look at how promoting employment fosters refugee mental health
Understanding successful social and economic integration – an example from Uganda
Rapid phone surveys in Kenya show disproportionately negative impact on refugees
Compounding misfortunes – refugee women and girls lose even more ground during the COVID-19 pandemic