Convention Plus
Convention Plus
Its aim was to improve refugee protection worldwide and to facilitate the resolution of refugee problems through multilateral special agreements. This was to be achieved through a process of discussion and negotiation with States and other partners of UNHCR to mobilize support and bring about firmer commitments.

High Commissioner's Forum: November 2005 Meeting
High Commissioner’s Forum Meeting 2004
Chairman’s Summary, Third Meeting of the High Commissioner’s Forum, Geneva, 1 October 2004
1 Oct 2004
Convention Plus General Information
High Commissioner’s Forum
The High Commissioner’s Forum is made up of UNHCR’s stakeholders, including ExCom members, Standing Committee observers and NGOs. Established in 2003, it meets twice a year to consider progress on the Convention Plus initiative.
Convention Plus and Resettlement
Irregular Secondary Movements
A Core Group of States and other partners is examining means to clarify the responsibilities of States in the event of refugees and asylum-seekers moving in an irregular manner from an initial country of refuge to another country.
- Joint Statement by 2023 Global Refugee Forum Co-Hosts and Co-ConvenorsLink is external
9 Dec 2022 - Development Cooperation Initiative, Localization and Development - Effective Approaches to Promote Evidence-Based Policies and Refugee Inclusion Link is external
8 Dec 2022 - Development Cooperation Initiative, Making Forcibly Displaced and Stateless Persons Visible in National StatisticsLink is external
8 Dec 2022
Targeting Development Assistance
The international community reaffirms its commitment to the 1951 Refugee Convention.