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Asia & the Pacific Regional Trends

Data & Statistics

Asia & the Pacific Regional Trends

The latest Regional Trends report, published in July 2023, provides key statistical trends on forced displacement in the Asia-Pacific region.

It includes the latest official statistics on refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless people, as well as the number of refugees who have returned home.
Daily life in a camp for internally displaced people in Waingmaw Township, Kachin State. A woman is preparing food to feed her pigs

The Asia & the Pacific Regional Trends report provides key statistical trends and the latest official statistics on refugees, people in refugee-like situations, asylum-seekers, stateless people, internally displaced people, returnees or others of concern to UNHCR in the Asia-Pacific region. 

The Regional Trends report is published once a year and reflects on the previous year, and follows on from the release of UNHCR’s flagship Global Trends report published in June. 

Data and official statistics on forcibly displaced and stateless populations is critical to inform and guide policy-making and programming at the global, regional and national levels. Through this, UNHCR and partners can more effectively safeguard the rights and well-being of displaced people.

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2022 APAC Regional Trends Report Cover

Asia & the Pacific Regional Trends 2022

UNHCR's Regional report presents the latest numbers of refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless persons in the Asia-Pacific region.


For more information, visit the Refugee Data Finder

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