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General Conclusion on International Protection

Executive Committee Meetings

General Conclusion on International Protection
No. 3 (XXVIII) - 1977

12 October 1977
Executive Committee 28th session. Contained in United Nations General Assembly Document No. 12A (A/32/12/Add.1).

General Conclusion on International Protection

The Executive Committee,

(a) Was gravely preoccupied that in a number of cases the basic human rights of refugees had still not been respected, that refugees had been subjected to physical violence, to unjustified and unduly prolonged measures of detention and to measures of forcible return in disregard of the principle of non-refoulement.

(b) Welcomed the efforts undertaken by the High Commissioner in the field of international protection and recognized the urgent need for these efforts to be continued and intensified, particularly in those areas where the basic rights of refugees are endangered.

(c) Reiterated its satisfaction at the establishment of the Sub-Committee of the Whole on International Protection as a forum for examining current problems and recommending appropriate solutions in this field.

(d) Decided that the Sub-Committee of the Whole on International Protection should meet for one full day immediately preceding the opening of the twenty-ninth session of the Executive Committee.