Fact Sheets and Updates

Armenia Situation Emergency Response


Overview of UNHCR Response to the Emergency

Emergency updates

Emergency Operational Update #2 - October 3, 2023 Emergency Ops Update


Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets are produced every three months to provide an overview of the UNHCR operation in Armenia, carried out in cooperation with UNHCR’s partner NGOs, the Government and local municipalities.
UNHCR Armenia Fact Sheet Sep 2022  
Fact Sheet September 2021 Fact Sheet June 2021 UNHCR Armenia Fact Sheet
Armenia Fact Sheet April 2020

Operational Updates

The Operational Update provides an overview of UNHCR Armenia’s activities over the past 3 months, figures at glance, highlights of major events, achievements and gaps, priority areas for interventions, and updated funding information.
UNHCR Operational Update May 2024    
Operational Update July - September 2022 UNHCR Armenia Operational Update - April-June 2022
Ops Update Oct-Dec 2021 Ops Update Jul-Sep 2021
Ops Update Apr-Jun 2021  


One-pagers are brief information products reflecting activities carried out by UNHCR in concrete areas or priority topics that require UNHCR’s intervention.