New global deal on refugees critical
Wars, other violence and persecution drove worldwide forced displacement to a new high in 2017 for the fifth year in a row, led by the crisis in Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan’s war, and the flight into Bangladesh from Myanmar of hundreds of thousands...
The participants of the international conference “Media Migration” visited the UN Office
This remarkable francophone event hosted by the UNRC and UNHCR, granted all the opportunity of inter-cultural exchange, raised the awareness of the participants on the humanitarian work accomplished by the UN and its partners, learn about the displacement situation...
We stand #WithRefugees
Join the 1,903,012 who have pledged their support! Each day war forces thousands of families to flee their homes. People like you, people like me. To escape the violence, they leave everything behind – everything except their hopes and dreams for a safer future....
Biography of Ms. Anna-Carin Öst
Prior to this, she was serving as UNHCR Representative to UNHCR in Poland from June 2013 – July 2018. Ms. Öst joined UNHCR in 1996, initially working as an Associate Field Officer in Tanzania. Since 1997 she has worked in a range of field duty stations in Europe...
Statement by Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees on the Paris meeting of 28 August
I am encouraged by the announcement of a comprehensive plan of action that will support long-term solutions to the complex issue of mixed migration and help address its root causes, in close cooperation with countries of origin and transit and in line with...
YMCA summer camp for refugee and displaced youth
A group of forty campers from Syria, Iraq and Nagorno-Karabakh, joined by local YMCA leaders enjoyed the YMCA camp located at one of the most spectacular sites of Armenia, Lake Sevan. The youth camp project aimed to promote social and cultural integration and improve...
UNHCR and German Development Cooperation commemorate World Refugee Day and We Stand Together #WithRefugees campaign
The event included World Refugee Day messages by UNHCR and GIZ, presentations by Syrian-Armenian Union and women entrepreneurs, a refugee thematic theatre performance by Theatre-8 NGO, ongoing craft-sale by displaced Syrian entrepreneurs, photo and video presentations...
High Commissioner’s key messages for World Refugee Day 2017
But it’s also a moment to recognise those communities and people around the world who receive refugees and the internally displaced in their midst, offering them a safe place, and welcoming them in their schools, their workplaces and their societies. Today we live in...
World Refugee Day key messages
While some of them have moved on to other countries, serving as migrant workers in the Golf states, having made use of resettlement opportunities or united with family members elsewhere UNHCR estimates that about 15,000 displaced continue to stay and UNHCR notes with...