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Global Refugee Forum

Global Compact on Refugees

Global Refugee Forum

Held every four years, the Global Refugee Forum is the world’s largest international gathering on refugees.

It brings together UN Member States and stakeholders to discuss and find solutions for the challenges faced by refugees and their host communities.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, stands and applauds during the closing session of the Global Refugee Forum.

About the Global Refugee Forum

Held every four years, the Global Refugee Forum is the world’s largest international gathering on refugees.

It brings together UN Member States, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, academia, refugee-led organizations and displaced and stateless people, with the aim of discussing and finding solutions to the challenges faced by refugees and their host communities. In doing so, it reflects the belief that lasting solutions for refugees must involve everyone in society and be guided by those directly affected. 

The Forum was established to support the practical implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees. The Compact, which seeks to transform the way the world responds to refugee situations, has four primary objectives: 

  • Easing pressure on host countries;
  • Enhancing opportunities for self-reliance;
  • Expanding access to third-country solutions; and
  • Supporting the conditions in countries of origin for the safe and dignified return of those who have fled.

What happens at a Global Refugee Forum?

Each Forum is an opportunity for countries to take stock of progress made toward achieving the goals of the Compact and pledge further contributions. It is also an opportunity to share good practices and to consider the challenges and opportunities ahead. 

An icon of an arrow pointing upwards.
Highlight progress made
Announce new pledges
An icon of a speech bubble
Share good practices
An icon of a magnifying glass and an arrow.
Consider challenges and opportunities

When is the next Global Refugee Forum?

The next Global Refugee Forum is scheduled to take place in 2027. More information about the Global Refugee Forum 2027 will be added to this page closer to the time.

Previous Global Refugee Forums

The first Global Refugee Forum took place in December 2019. With over 3,000 attendees, it was a milestone in building solidarity with refugees and the countries and communities that host them. The second Global Refugee Forum took place in December 2023. Over 4,000 stakeholders participated, resulting in 1,750 pledges to support refugees and their host communities.