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Protect human rights

What we do

Protect human rights

People forced to flee are often deprived of their fundamental human rights.

UNHCR advocates and works with governments to strengthen laws and ensure displaced and stateless people can access basic rights and services.
Advocating for the rights of people forced to flee and those denied a nationality.

Citizens normally look to their own governments to guarantee their human rights and physical security.

When people are forced to flee, it is often because they can no longer rely on their government to protect them – or because their own government is persecuting them. They can be deprived of their fundamental human rights in their homeland, during their flight to safety and while displaced from home. 

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, works to improve, laws, regulations, policies and practices to ensure displaced and stateless people are treated fairly and are able to access rights and services in dignity, including the right to seek safety, the right to health care and the right to a nationality. 

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Please consider donating today

Your gift can help protect someone forced to flee their home due to conflict or persecution.