Julie Gassien bats at an incessant onslaught of gnats attacking the moisture in her eyes. All around her is the green fernery of the Angolan bush, the sounds of burbling water soothing from the forested background. She stands on an intricately balanced web of...
Refugees in Tanzania find a safe life in a stable country whose government and people are welcoming. But the intense demands they’ve placed for decades on a sensitive, rural landscape is degrading the environment and causing relations to deteriorate. When refugees and...
Download the Green Issue of Innovation Quarterly to read about how UNHCR is innovating around the themes of energy and the environment, and other great stories about humanitarian innovation. The articles featured in the new issue of Innovation Quarterly include: Page...
In 2002, Ray Wilkinson wrote that it was a critical time for the environment. Looking 10 years into the past, he referenced then-High Commissioner Sadako Ogata, who said in 1992 that the “relationship between refugees and the environment has been long...