‘Peak Lab’ In an entirely ‘non-scientific poll’, the Centre for Impact asked respondents where different government ‘innovation initiatives’ sit on a so-called hype cycle. Respondents indicated that [policy] labs were the ‘peak of inflated expectations’. The next...
Over the course of 2016, the Emergency Lab has been involved in numerous emergency responses, which we’ve documented through this blog: fYR of Macedonia, Malawi, Niger…When we set out on this journey we had one question that we weren’t really sure of the answer of: is...
The need for differentiation and the role of mass customization. No community is homogenous – meaning there is no ‘silver bullet’ or one ‘best channel’ to communicate via. Everybody accesses and consumes information in a different way – we are all unique....
Boda Boda Talk Talk: an idea that worked A few years ago a friend working with Internews slapped a ‘Boda Boda Talk Talk’ sticker to my laptop and excitedly told me about the organization’s new project in South Sudan. Looking at the ‘BBTT’ emblazoned on my computer, I...
In late 2015, UNHCR – in collaboration with local partner AMIDEAST – established Tawasul, a humanitarian call centre in Yemen. Tawasul, meaning dialogue in Arabic, was the first of its kind in Yemen and shared humanitarian information through a toll-free number five...