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Since 1952, UNHCR has worked in Greece with Greek authorities, UN agencies, NGOs, volunteer networks and local and refugee communities to support refugee protection and inclusion, while promoting a favourable environment for stateless people.

UNHCR supports the Government, which leads the refugee response, by providing expert advice and evidence-based analysis on asylum, reception and durable solutions to inform and improve its policies and programming.

In Greece, UNHCR prioritizes improving access to asylum, interventions for refugees’ integration and cross-cutting support to vulnerable groups such as unaccompanied children and survivors of gender-based violence. UNHCR provides information on rights and procedures and supports asylum-seekers and refugees with referrals, legal aid and specialized services.

UNHCR raises awareness and advocates for sustainable solutions, collaborating with local authorities, civil society and the private sector to enhance refugee inclusion and create training and employment opportunities, allowing refugees to thrive in their new home.

Updated March 2024.

For information about our work in Greece:

Country site

Visit the UNHCR Greece website for more information on our work in the area and the latest local news and stories.

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Are you looking for data on displacement in Greece? Visit the UNHCR data portal for the latest data and statistics on refugees and other displaced persons.

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Are you a refugee or asylum-seeker in Greece? Find information about your rights and available services on our HELP site.

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