Winter Emergency

The recent escalation in Lebanon has led to a devastating humanitarian crisis. We are mobilizing resources to support displaced communities and their generous host communities to ensure their safety and well-being during these challenging times.

UNHCR has been working in Lebanon for decades providing support to Lebanese and refugees in the country and who are living in poverty and extremely vulnerable conditions. They, and the communities who host them, deserve our support.

Help now

EUR 45

can provide blankets to a family of four


EUR 99

can provide safe shelter to a family in Lebanon


EUR 202

can provide psychosocial support to a gender-based violence victim


Thousands of Syrians and Lebanese families fleeing Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon arriving at the Syrian border in rows of buses and cars; many are also travelling by foot, arriving exhausted after walking for several hours, carrying their essential belongings in bags on their backs.  © UNHCR

Around UNHCR

UNHCR Operational Portal: Ukraine Refugee Situation

The military offensive in Ukraine has driven many thousands of people from their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance. An estimated 4 million people may flee Ukraine in the coming weeks and months. In light of the emergency, an inter-agency regional refugee response is being carried out that brings together UN, NGO and other relevant partners and primarily focuses on supporting the host country governments to ensure safe access to territory for refugees and third-country nationals fleeing from Ukraine, in line with international standards.

UNHCR Operational Portal: Mediterranean Situation

The Refugees Operational Portal is a Partners coordination tool for Refugee situations provided by UNHCR. It is a detailed and searchable portal with up-to-date information on refugee situations around the world, including interactive maps, facts and figures.

In addition the Portal provides links to relevant reports, regional and thematic overview documents, monthly updates and news by country situation and by region, including the Mediterranean Situation. The data includes figures such as sea arrivals by day and most common nationalities of sea arrivals.

HELP: An online information platform for refugees in Cyprus

UNHCR Cyprus launched in October 2017 an online information platform for refugees and asylum-seekers living on the island. A mobile-friendly website that is accessible at, the “HELP” platform seeks to serve as a one-stop information shop, offering comprehensive, accurate and objective information that is essential for refugees and asylum-seekers in Cyprus. The Help platform is updated on a regular basis.

We hope that through this user-friendly platform we can adequately inform and empower as many people as possible in their efforts to adapt to and integrate into the social, economic and cultural fabric of the host society.